The Editing Queue
Your wedding films go through a process. Each couples footage has the same process, so this editing queue is to show you where your films lie in the current queue.
All films are based on a chronological order, however, the process of the edit is done slightly differently.
The Edit process is as follows:
Download footage and backup – This is always immediately on arrival to home. (so this step is completed already – Good news!)
Import into editor, sort into sections, name audio files to match with various footage – Stage 1
Edit Ceremony – Stage 2
Edit Speeches Stage 3
Stage 2 and 3 are normally done on the same day
Re watch ceremony and speeches – Stage 4 (this is to make notes and pick out sections for your trailer and main feature film, examples might me, lovely readings, vows, nice words)
Cut ceremony and speeches into sections for Trailer and Feature Film – Stage 5
Begin Trailer – Stage 6
Selecting Music – Stage 7
So as you can see there is a lot goes into the edit, even before I start your trailer.
The trailer normally takes a day to complete, but the way things are edited, some days its couple 1, ceremony and speeches, couple 5 trailer, couple 7 Feature film. So it doesn’t always run through as one, as the trailer normally arrives about 2 weeks after your wedding (unless its super busy times like may – sept, where it can be a while longer)
The reason its done like this is the trailer is delivered a long time before the other films, so, they have to over lap.
Stage 8 – Putting together the trailer, with an edit for screen and an edit for Instagram.
Stage 9 – Selecting music for the Feature Film – The music is based on the emotions and also the style of the couple, it’s chosen to help tell the story. Believe it or not, this is actually the hardest part.
Stage 10 – The Planning Stage – Setting out the story, do I start with a speech, a reading, some vows, what represents this story best.
Stage 11 – Putting it all together – I then go into making the feature film. This normally takes a few days to complete. Of course, with stages 1-8 also going on with other clients.
Stage 12 – Finishing the speeches and ceremony and first dance – Making these into their own keepsake films ready for delivery
Stage 13 – Colour Grading – This is, if you like the final touch, colour the footage, making sure all cameras match, then re watching and balancing as I go.
Stage 14 – Rendering and Uploading – The rendering isn’t too bas nowadays, it used to take an age. I film and deliver everything in Ultra HD (4K) so the upload is what takes the time, sometimes an entire weekend of uploading. (It’s crazy!)
Stage 15 – Delivery.
Below is a list of all the current edits in my edit queue, this is updated weekly. You can see the progress of each one and what stage you are at. Any questions, just ask.
Reminder – Filming and editing weddings is my business, it’s not my entire life. Family is important. I worked editing in 2023 7 days a week for the entire year, I can only do my best. Rest assured, your films will be delivered, they will be wonderful. You have my word.